Trust Replenishments and Advance Fee Policy

Trust Replenishments and Advance Fee Policy

Summary Overview

To ensure clients and attorneys have the most up to date information about their Trust accounts and advanced fees, Gravis Law created the following policy. Attached to this article is the PDF procedure, or how accounting and billable staff will work together to ensure proper execution of the new policy. Below are the key points of reference for all staff, with links to the relevant article if one exists in request hub. 

Initial Deposit:

Client must make initial deposit within two days of signing the engagement letter. Often this is taken by the engaging attorney, but if engagement letter is signed and trust deposit has not been taken, attorney or paralegal must select “Retainer Status: Contact Client For Retainer” in request hub when submitting the signed engagement letter to accounting. Trust specialist will follow up with client directly and will notify attorney when trust payment is made, or if two days have elapsed with no trust deposit. More information on how to take a payment can be found in the Taking Payments knowledge base article. 

Replenishment Types

Clients will have choice of two different types of replenishment types as outlined in most engagement letters. These may be automatic (client is charged a set amount each month to a card or bank on file) or manual (Trust Specialist will reach out to client for payment) Replenishments offered: 
  1. Refill Trust to $X (most preferred)
  2. Deposit $X Each Month (most common)

Trust Specialist will log which type of replenishment system the client is on, and after invoicing, will begin their process to refill the client’s trust accounts to the expected level using available tools. To learn more, visit  Trust Replenishments in the knowledge base.

Using or Disbursing Trust Funds

Trust funds can be processed out of trust and into operations or as a check pursuant to each state’s IOLTA guidelines. Gravis Law requires trust funds to clear before any disbursement or transfer can be made – typically 7 business days if echeck or check; 2 business days if wire, debit, or credit card; and immediately if cash or cashiers check. Trust funds are used to pay client costs and monthly invoices.     

Monitoring Funds

Trust balances will be available in the attorney’s PowerBI dashboard. These balances are updated three times per month – after invoicing, midmonth, and before invoicing. Attorneys or Paralegals must file tickets after each review for any refunds, updates, or questions after each Trust Update, and the attorney is required to meet with the Trust Specialist once per quarter to review all their client’s trust accounts. To learn more about your Trust Report, visit the Trust Report knowledge base article. 

Client Payment Declines/ Client Refusals

If client refuses or is unable to make expected trust payments, Trust Specialist will notify client’s primary attorney. If new agreement is negotiated, attorney will provide copy of new payment terms to Trust Specialist to execute. If no terms can be reached, it is recommended attorney cease work until terms can be reached or withdraw.  

Refunding Remaining Funds

Upon completion of the matter, client refunds must be requested by the attorney. Once requested, accounting will process a final invoice for outstanding costs and time cards for approval, verify mailing address, confirm final trust balance, and either mail check certified to client or provide to paralegal to mail certified to the client with closing letter. To learn more about refunding final trust balances, visit the Trust: Client Refunds page in knowledge base. 

Incentive Programs

An attorney may offer an incentive to the client to maintain a balance in trust. If the trust balance runs out, the discount should be stopped. Common incentives for trust replenishments:
  1. 5% discount on attorney time if matter is expected to be short, initial trust deposits meet general recommendations, automatic replenishments are active.
  2. 10% discount on attorney time if matter is expected to be long, initial trust deposits exceed general recommendations, automatic replenishments are active.

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