Trust: Client Refunds

Trust: Client Refunds

Refunding Trust

When clients have funds left in trust at the conclusion of the matter or relationship, we must refund the client any remaining funds in trust after paying for any outstanding time or client costs. As such, when it comes time to refund a client's trust balance, Accounting will need to know:
  1. If the client has any outstanding costs that have not been invoiced
  2. If any time cards are outstanding and need to be invoiced
  3. Current contact information for the client
  4. If the refund should be sent to the client directly, or if the attorney/paralegal has additional information to send to the client with the refund check
To request a refund, use the Request Hub Portal. 

  1. Department: Finance
  2. Subject: Trust Refund: [Client]
  3. Category: Refunds and Credits
  4. Sub Category: Trust and Client Funds
  5. Client Name: client name as it appears in CleverCase
  6. Final Invoice: Select this if there is time left to bill
  7. Primary Attorney: Select the attorney for the matter
  8. Attorney Confirmation Attached: Required field. You must include attorney confirmation, either by uploading the attorney's request or by having the attorney submit the refund request themselves. (Can be as simple as a screenshot of a teams message from the attorney)
  9. Deadline/Due Date: This is when the refund must be processed and mailed by. 
  10. Location: Where to print the check. Either your location for further processing or Mail Directly to client. 
  11. Description: Include any additional information in this text box.

Note: Refunds will be processed once a week on Thursdays.
Note: ALL refund checks need to be mailed certified, so we can track it. 
Note: To process a trust refund, accounting needs to receive attorney approval to process. This can be via a request from an attorney, or a forwarded email. Without attorney confirmation, the trust refund will not be processed. 

Final Accounting

Accounting will prepare a final invoice for the client reflecting any uninvoiced time and costs tracked in CleverCase. This may be done as an off cycle invoice and does not need to follow the typical monthly invoicing cycle. This invoice will be shared with the attorney through Clever Case and must be reviewed and approved prior to sending. Any final adjustments must be approved by the attorney at this time. Accounting will also take this opportunity to confirm that any discounts or credits were properly applied to previous invoices before approving the final invoice. 

Processing & Delivering

Once the final invoice has been approved, accounting will apply available trust funds to cover the final invoice and create a refund check for the client. Accounting can send the check directly to the client, or can deliver to the paralegal for further processing. Some attorneys prefer to send a final letter to the client with their trust refund. If the paralegal/attorney sends the final refund, you must send the check certified and notify accounting of the tracking number. 

Returned Checks

Occasionally, the refund check will be returned to the office. When this happens, the front desk must scan in a copy of the returned envelope with the check, Submit a ticket, and put the check in the local office safe. Accounting will work with the attorney and paralegal to locate valid contact information for the client, or surrender the funds to the state. 

Uncashed Checks

Occasionally, the refund check will not be cashed by the client. When this happens, accounting will reach out directly to the client to resolve why the check has not been cashed. If the client has not cashed the check within 180 days, the check will be voided and returned to the clients trust account. After three years, if funds are unclaimed they will be surrendered to the state. 

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