Trust: Balance Inquiry

Trust: Balance Inquiry

Balance Inquiry

During the month, a clients trust balance may fluctuate as costs are paid and payments are made by the client into trust. The Trust Ledger is updated in Power BI at least three times a month. Once before invoicing, once after invoicing, and once approximately a week before month end. The trust ledger is accurate as of the date of posting, movements beyond this date are not reflected. Therefore, at times it may be important to know exactly how much a client has in trust. To request a current trust balance, submit an inquiry to accounting: 

  1. Visit Request Hub and select Submit a Ticket
  2. Department: Finance
  3. Subject: Trust: [Client's Name]
  4. Category: Balance Inquiry
  5. Sub Category: Trust Balance
  6. Client Name: [Client Name] as it appears in CleverCase
  7. Matter Number: Matter Number as it appears in CleverCase
  8. Description: any additional information you need. 
Example submission: 


Q: I need to refund my client their trust balance. 
      A: See Refunding Trust
Q: I need my client to pay more into trust!
      A: See Requesting Replenishment
Q: I need to use my client's trust funds to pay a cost.
      A: See Requesting Payments

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