To add visibility and accountability to recurring expenses we are adding a pre-approval process before committing to any on-going charges, whether it is paid by check/ACH/Credit or Debit card.
This may be for essential office supplies like shred services, for ongoing subscriptions like local advertising, or for a software subscription, etc.
To ensure proper accounting and timely payment, please follow the steps below to receive approval for your charges and notify the proper stakeholders.
1. Identify business need
a. Improve a process
b. Compliance
c. Essential services missing
d. Impact (operations unit, location, company wide)
2. Identify potential solutions. Evaluate:
a. Contract length, if required
b. Monthly and yearly cost
c. Payment requirements (check/ACH/credit card) and cadence
d. Ability to fill business need
e. How will the proposed solution scale across teams and locations
3. Authorization / approval
a. Receive approval from:
i. If under $100/mo, approval by Managing Attorney and account owner
ii. If $100-500/mo, approval by Managing Attorney, account owner, and CFO
iii. If $500+/mo, approval by Managing Attorney, account owner, CFO, and CEO
b. Notify accounting of the recurring charge before first payment is made by sending copy of the above approval and include:
i. Vendor
ii. Payment Method
iii. Payment frequency (monthly, qrtly, yearly)
iv. Time Frame (how many payments)
v. Locations / office(s) benefiting from solution.
4. Enter into contract/sign up for recurring charge