Legal Insurance Referrals
Clients may get referred to us through many different means, but a common referral source is through a potential new client's legal insurance. It is extremely important to identify the type of discount offered by the insurance provider before agreeing to handle the client's matter.
Insurance Consultations
During the call with the potential new client, Communications will ask if they have legal insurance. If the client does, identify the type and obtain the necessary information, which is typically a membership number or last four of the client's social security number. Most legal insurances will cover a 30 minute consult - be sure to schedule this correctly. When you're prompted for payment, enter the corresponding consult discount code from the below chart. This will allow us to track the consultation and receive payment from the insurance provider. Remind the client to bring their proof of coverage and legal insurance terms sheet.
Make the consult matter in Clever Case as normal.
Signing the Engagement Letter
It is up to the attorney to verify the client's insurance coverage. If the client is a good fit, the attorney will agree to take the case. On signing the engagement letter, be sure to include the client's Legal Insurance terms and discounts from their coverage information. Common terms:
- Client receives 25% discount on attorney time only
- Client receives 25% discount on all time
- We will receive a flat fee amount
- Insurance will cover X hours of matter, client will be responsible for all time after X hours at a 25% discount
Don't forget to submit your signed engagement letter to Request Hub.
Clever Case
Create the matter in Clever Case, include discount terms at the start of the matter description. This allows the client to see the discount terms of their agreement on each invoice and helps accounting make sure the discounts and invoices are issued correctly. Example below, but you may use your best judgement:
- [Insurance Provider] [FF] or [XX%]
Be sure to enter the matter discount information in Clever Case under "Invoice Settings" on the Matter Page. Track your time at your standard hourly rate - do not discount in Clever Case.
What to Expect After Approving an Insurance Invoice
Issuing invoices and receiving payment can vary depending on the insurance provider and plan type. Reference your client's plan for the most up to date information, but a general summary is below.
- Depending on Insurance provider you, the attorney, or finance will submit the invoice to insurance for payment
- We may receive payment from the insurance company, the client, or a mixture of both
- Payment from the insurance company will likely be received once the matter is completed
- Clients are invoiced monthly when they receive a discount on hourly rates
- Approved insurance invoices will be on your AR report until paid
- They should be called out in your "AR Notes" column
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