Announcement: Finance Teams Channel

Announcement: Finance Teams Channel

We are excited to launch the Gravis Law Finance teams channel. This channel is intended to be a bridge between direct messaging members of the finance team and submitting tickets to Request Hub. This is a beta channel, which means we are testing it and will refine our guidelines and approaches to the channel as we best identify how to support Gravis Law as a whole. This teams channel does not replace using Request Hub, but is instead an enhancement to using Request Hub.

To access the Finance Teams Channel, open your teams application and select "Teams" from the left navigation pane. Beneath "Gravis Law Staff," click "Finance Help." From there, you can begin a new conversation or join an existing conversation. At the top of the chat window, you can click "New Ticket" to enter a new ticket, or click "Knowledge Base" to access the Gravis Law internal knowledge base. 

Recommended use cases for the channel: 
  1. Need client balance to take payment
  2. Notify finance about emergency - (I need X ASAP!)
  3. Need to know HOW to best request something from finance
  4. To ask about a policy or make a recommendation 
What it is not used for: 
  1. Ticket updates and comments
  2. Sending finance bills
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. 

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