Expense Tracking for Clients in Clever Case

Expense Tracking for Clients in Clever Case

Clever Case Expense Module

Department: Firm Wide

Revision Date: 4/21/2023


  1. Costs will no longer be recorded on a New Timecard.  “Cost” is no longer found under “Rate Type”. Only fees (hourly or flat fee) will be captured on Timecards.

  1. Old costs will be migrated out of “Time” and over to “Expenses”.
    1. Legacy entries will not show “vendor”, “paid by”, “paid with”.
    2. If cost is “uninvoiced”, you can add the new fields.
  2. Request Hub:
    1. No longer need to create a ticket to upload and submit receipts to Finance.
    2. Tickets will still be required for client expenses that require a check from Finance.

Costs vs Expenses

  1. Costs will be replaced with the word “Expenses”. Expenses are separated out in each individual matter, on the lefthand navigation for Matters.

  1. “Add Expense” is also located on the Quick Add on the Toolbar.

How to Add an Expense
  1. Navigate to the client’s matter you need to charge an Expense to.
  2. Click on “Expenses” on the lefthand navigation pane.
  3. Choose the “New Expense” button on the right-hand side.


  1. This will open the “New Expense” card. You can also add an Expense using the Quick Add from the Toolbar.
  2. Complete the expense fields and click “Save”.


Expense Fields

  1. Date: Defaults to today’s date, should be for date the expense was paid.
  2. Amount: Total amount that the charge is for.
  3. NEW: Paid By: Three options to choose from:
    1. Firm (default)
      1. This is the only option that will be invoiced.
    2. Client
    3. Third Party
  4. Checkbox to “Charge to Client”.
    1. Checked (default) will charge client.
    2. Unchecked will not charge client, but will show up on invoice as 100% discounted.
  5. NEW: Payment Method:
    1. ACH
    2. Cash
    3. Check or Cashier’s Check
      1. Will be prompted for “Check Number.”
    4. Credit Card
      1. Will be prompted for “Card Brand” and “Last Four Digit 
    1. Internal Request
      1. If requested to be paid directly to vendor via Request Hub.
        1.  Will be prompted for “Request #.”
    2. Wire
    3. Other
  1. NEW: Vendor: Name of vendor paid.
  2. NEWReceipt Upload:
    1. Upload receipt, check or other proof of payment.
    2. File type supported: png, jpg or pdf.
  3. NEW: Checkbox to “Show Receipt on Portal”:
    1. Checked as default to show on client’s portal (to be released at a later date)
    2. Uncheck if you do not want the client to see the receipt.
      1. i.e., the receipt includes charges related to multiple clients.
  4. Description:
    1. Description of expense that will display on the invoice, i.e., “Deposition transcript.”, “Filing fee for Summons and Complaint”.
  5. Internal Notes: Notes that the client will not see on the invoice or portal.

Expense Items/Invoicing

  1. The Expense item will show the date, billing user, description, vendor, cost, what it is paid with, who it was paid by, invoice status and a link to download the receipt:

  1. You can edit or delete the Expenses by going to the Expense tab in the matter and choosing the 3 dots under “Actions” next to the expense you wish to edit and choose “edit” or “delete”.
  2. If you do not want to charge the client for the expense, you will need to uncheck the box “Charge to Client” on the expense item. This will show up on the invoice with 100% discount.
  3. Expenses will be separated out from Timecards on the invoice, just as Costs were before.
  4. Only expenses “Paid by Firm” will be invoiced.

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