Clever Case Updates 01/15/2021

Clever Case Updates 01/15/2021

Presenter: Ashley Garcia
Date: 01/15/2021

Full List of New Features:

  • Matter Specific Rates can now be defined on a per matter basis for a specific user or a specific role, which are used to auto-fill the rate field on a time card.
  • Time Cards -- removed the person select since it is no longer needed, and it now requires a matter selection before a new time card can be created. The matter selection is searchable by client, and now includes the primary clients name in its selection description.
  • Time Tracking on an incomplete PNC status now sends a reminder notification to the user tracking time that the matter's PNC status is incomplete and needs updated.
  • Matter -- There is now an engaging attorney field, which is auto-populated based off of the primary attorney field when the matter's PNC status switches to fee agreement signed. This field exists to help keep track of which attorney engaged with a new client and worked with them to complete the consultation.
  • Matter Do Not Batch Invoice Settings -- There is a new invoicing setting that can be set on a per matter basis that prevents the matter from being invoiced by the finance team, or prevents the matter from being invoiced until a specific date. If the invoice creation process runs after the specified date, an invoice for that matter will be created, otherwise it will not.
  • Invoice Delete and Mark Matter as Do Not Invoice -- There is now an option to delete an invoice and mark the matter to not be re-invoiced at a later date. This option should help attorney's conveniently set matters that should not be invoiced if they notice an invoice for that specific matter.
  • Matter PNC Status of Did Not Retain now includes a button to "Return to previous stage" that opens the matter back up and reverts the status to consultation held.
  • Batch Mark Time Cards as Do Not Invoice -- Time cards can now be batch updated to do not invoice from the time keeping page.
  • Originating Attorney can now only be set by Gravis Admins, these fields have been automatically cleared since the data in the system was incorrect, and Gravis has been tracking this data separately from CleverCase.
  • Task Notifications -- Added additional information to task notification emails so that users can more easily understand the related matter/client and why the notification was sent.

Bug Fixes:

  • Task Notifications - Fixed notifications so that users would not be notified of an action that they themselves performed.
  • Invoice Edit -- When all line items on the invoice have been removed, the user is only provided with the option of deleting the invoice instead of saving a blank invoice.
  • Removed the ability for non-finance users to be able to change the status of or delete an invoice in draft. Invoices with this status are still being prepared by the finance team and are not yet ready to be reviewed, edited, or deleted from the system.
  • Batch Invoice Creation -- Practice areas marked as do not invoice were accidentally being included in the batch invoice creation process, this is no longer the case, and these matters are being correctly filtered out.

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