Budget/Expense Categories and Common Uses

Budget/Expense Categories and Common Uses

This list is still a work in progress, last updated 9/7/2023
Example Use
Meals & Incidentals – Client & Networking
Meals and misc expenses related to obtaining clients or networking with outside groups

Meals & Incidentals – Mergers & Acquisitions: 
Meals and expenses related to recruitment and bringing new staff or organizations into Gravis

Meals & Incidentals – Team Building: 
Meals, party supplies, morale building, etc. expenses related to Gravis employees (not used for recruiting or soliciting new clients)

Office Expenses
Supplies for the office, including consumables (binder clips, cleaning supplies).  Not used for food (use Meals & Incidentals – Team Building) or paper/toner (use Printing & Stationary) 

Travel – Business Development
Travel expenses (including hotel and airfare) around the growth and promotion of Gravis Law (speaking at a conference, for example)

Travel – Meetings
Travel expenses (including hotel and airfare) involving a Gravis office, leadership retreats, or maintenance of Gravis law

For questions or use cases, please contact Finance Help

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