Daily Bank Deposit

Daily Bank Deposit

Bank Deposits

  1. Bank deposits must occur daily before 4:00pm Local Time to your office. 
  2. NSF checks cannot be resubmitted from the original check – they must be submitted from the scan the bank returns to us as notice of the NSF
  3. We have a total deposit limit of $100,000/day (not individually – the company) through remote deposit.  Checks over $50,000 will need to be taken to the bank.
  4. Checks must be scanned, while cash needs to be taken directly to your local bank. Cash deposits will often require personal identification by the bank.
  5. Cash in excess of $2,000, requires a “two-person” process.  Two people count the cash and verify accuracy and two people go to the bank to make the deposit.
  6. Verify the check is written to Gravis Law, PLLC. If it is not immediately notify the attorney/paralegal. 
    1. If the check is not written to Gravis but needs to be deposited by Gravis, see our article on How to Endorse a Check, here
  7. Client checks will be deposited in either the Operations or Trust account. If you are not sure, check with Accounts Receivable (Kristy Roagers). 
  8. If you need to call Chase technical support because you have been locked out of the account or having other issues, call 1-877-226-0071.

Identify the Account

  1. Identify which account they should be deposited in. Ask the client specifically what they're paying against to identify which account. 
    1. Operations: These payments will likely include an invoice number, a flat fee, or be against an open account balance. 
    2. Trust: Retainer payments, payments for a specific cost, or payments for an upcoming event like trial or mediation.
  2. Input the check/cash into Clever Case, following the instructions below
  3. Receive check. Follow your office policy as to how to store checks received during the day
If you are unsure, reach out to accounts receivable directly: ar@gravislaw.com

Record in Clever Case

  1. Search for the client or matter in Clever Case.  If the client is paying a bill, find the specific matter that they are paying.  If the client is making a trust deposit, find the specific client in People (or by clicking their name in the matter).  It's important you verify you have the correct client and/or matter - if you're unsure, make sure there is time or previous invoices on their account.
  2.  Click on Take Payment, then choose either "Invoice Payment" (for payments against bills they've already incurred) or "Trust Deposit" (for funds against future bills)

    Note: If you're on a client, you will not see the option for "Invoice Payment".  Please open the specific matter and try again
  3. Select the correct payment method from the dropdown.  In most cases, you'll choose "Physical Check" or "Cash".  For checks and cash you physically have in the office, do not select "Card or ACH/eCheck" or "Previously Charged Card or ACH/eCheck", as those are used for digital payments:
  4. Fill out the questions below, making sure to take special attention with the following questions:
    1. Bank Account: For payments on invoices, pick "Operating".  If you're in our Montana offices and are going to deposit the check in Wells Fargo, choose "Gravis Law PLLC - MT Operating".   For trust payments, make sure to pick the state trust account that is appropriate for the client.  If the money needs to be held in Escrow, choose "Escrow".  NOTE: You will only see operating accounts when paying invoices and only see trust accounts when making a trust deposit.  If you don't see the account you're looking for, you are probably on the wrong screen
    2. Apply to a specific invoice?: If the client has specified the payment is to go against a specific invoice, you can check this box and select the invoice in question.  NOTE: Unless the client explicitly says the money is not to be applied to other invoices, leave this unchecked - Clever Case will automatically apply the payment to the oldest invoices first
    3. Hold Account (do not apply to invoices): For trust payments only, if the money is being used for escrow or otherwise cannot be used against future invoices, check this box.  If you check it by accident and save the payment, you'll need to reach out to Finance to move the funds out of the hold account.
    4. Collected By: If someone else takes the check or cash from the client, put their name in the box.  Otherwise, leave it as your name
  5. Hit Save to save the payment for the client.  If they paid a specific invoice, you can click on that invoice and choose "Download PDF" to download/print a copy showing that it was paid.  

Make Deposit At End Of Day (by 4pm Local)

Validate Checks/Cash for Day

  1. Open our Deposit Report by Office to view the list of all deposits you entered into Clever Case for the day.  This report updates every 1-2 hours, so check when it was last refreshed if you don't see all your payments.
  2. Change the slider in the upper right to select today's date:
  3. Verify that the total of the checks and cash you're going to deposit match what is in Clever Case.  If a recent payment is not showing up on the list, open up the client/matter in Clever Case and verify that it's listed in the Financial Transaction section.

Electronic Check Deposit

    1. Log in on your office iPad or personal device to the Chase Mobile app. 
      (Don't have an account or need help getting in? Contact Tech Help for assistance)

    2. Tap on "Deposit checks" at the top by the date

    3. Choose the account to scan the check to.  If you do not have access to a trust account that you should, please contact Tech Help

    4. You will now see the deposit form. Put the value of the check in the "Deposit amount" box

    5. If you're scanning the check into "Commercial Checking", you need to pick a Business Location for the check.  Tap "Choose a Location" and select the closest location to associate that check with.

    6. Tap the picture icon below "Front" and "Back" to take an image of the check. You can select if you want the picture to be taken automatically when it sees the check, or manually

    7. Align the check so it's within the box and is legible to the camera.  If you're in manual mode, press the white button to the left to take a picture. In automatic mode, it will take the picture once it's properly aligned

    8. Once you take the photo, you'll have the ability to zoom in to get just the check.  Once you are happy with the placement, tap "Use"

    9. Before scanning the back of the check, make sure to write "For electronic deposit at Chase Only" below the endorsement stamp/signature

    10. Once you finish the photos for the front and back, tap "Next" at the bottom to complete the deposit. 

Bank Deposit

  1. Retrieve one deposit slip for your local account. Depending on your office, your local bank will be either Wells Fargo or Chase.
  2. Complete deposit slip for each account
    1. Place deposit slip(s) and cash/checks in the bank bag
  3. Go to the bank and make deposit
    1. NOTE: they will ask to see your ID
    2. NOTE: if over $2,000, you must bring two people
  4. Scan a copy of the initialed deposit slip and receipt, and save it in the Bank Deposit Slip folder.  Name the file as "Date _ Office _ Account _ Initials of Employee.pdf".  Example: "2023-09-13_Richland_Operating_MJZ.pdf"
  5. Return the bank bag to its storage location

As of Sept 18, 2023 the Daily Deposit Report is no longer needed. Checks do not need to be scanned, and a ticket does not need to be submitted.

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