Log in on your office iPad or personal device to the Chase Mobile app.
(Don't have an account or need help getting in? Contact Tech Help for assistance)
Tap on "Deposit checks" at the top by the date
Choose the account to scan the check to. If you do not have access to a trust account that you should, please contact Tech Help
You will now see the deposit form. Put the value of the check in the "Deposit amount" box
If you're scanning the check into "Commercial Checking", you need to pick a Business Location for the check. Tap "Choose a Location" and select the closest location to associate that check with.
Tap the picture icon below "Front" and "Back" to take an image of the check. You can select if you want the picture to be taken automatically when it sees the check, or manually
Align the check so it's within the box and is legible to the camera. If you're in manual mode, press the white button to the left to take a picture. In automatic mode, it will take the picture once it's properly aligned
Once you take the photo, you'll have the ability to zoom in to get just the check. Once you are happy with the placement, tap "Use"
Before scanning the back of the check, make sure to write "For electronic deposit at Chase Only" below the endorsement stamp/signature
- Once you finish the photos for the front and back, tap "Next" at the bottom to complete the deposit.