Balances in Clever Case

Balances in Clever Case

At A Glance

When you view a matter or client, you'll now see a Balances card that details their accounting balances with Gravis Law.  If there is trust available, it's split into two general areas:

If there is not trust on the account, then the trust balances section will disappear.

There are quite a few numbers on this card, so it's good to know what they mean:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much does the client owe?
    Look at the "Invoiced Outstanding" to see the total amount a client owes
  2. Why is a payment (trust, account) labeled as "Pending"?  
    This happens if trust funds have been earmarked for an invoice, but the transfer out of trust into our operating account has not happened yet.  Or, if someone has made a payment via personal check or ACH, these need to be held as "pending" for a few days until the payment has cleared our bank
  3. Why has there been a pending payment for so long?
    A personal check can take up to 7 business days to clear the bank and have the funds available for us to spend. We automatically put these deposits as "pending" for 9 days (7 business days + two weekend days), and will automatically move them out of pending when the time is up. If the Finance team sees the check has come in to the bank earlier, we can mark it manually as cleared (and remove it from the pending list)
  4. What is a hold account?
    A hold account is another name for funds placed in escrow or should otherwise NOT be used to pay invoices.  The lines for hold accounts will appear only if money is set aside in one.
  5. Why are there multiple trust balances?
    By default, trust funds for a client are assigned to the client and will be used against ALL of their matters that they're the primary client for.  In some instances, funds are from a 3rd party billing user (say, a parent) or the client requires different trust accounts for different matters.  In these cases, we assign the trust funds to the specific matter.  Funds assigned to a specific matter won't be spent on other matters the client has
  6.  How do payments show up in the balances?
    A payment towards trust or invocies will appear on a balances card from a few different ways:
    1. Automatically when a client pays trust or balance using their Gravity Legal link on their invoice
    2. Each business day from payments made via lawPay, older Gravity Legal links, or with deposits on your office's daily deposit sheet
    3. When a front desk staff puts the payment in Clever Case (Coming SOON!)

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